Watercolor Class

Thursday, May 2, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contemporary Art Center
305 SW Water St

Instructor: Maggie Martino
Minimum Students: 6, Maximum: 10
CAC Member: $80, Non-Member: $95
Registration deadline: Mar 28

About the class:
Discover the art of watercolor painting in 6 evening sessions. This class is for beginners as well as those who know some basics but want to increase their knowledge about this medium. The beauty of watercolor is its transparency which can be both challenging and rewarding. Watercolor paintings can be soft and muted or bold and colorful. They can be realistic or abstract. This technique can be enjoyed just about anywhere with a minimum of supplies.

About the Instructor:
Maggie Martino started doing watercolors many years ago as a counterbalance to her more structured career. She loves the challenges, imperfections, and the sometimes randomness of the medium. Watercolors taught her to relax, relinquish control, and enjoy the moment. Maggie has no formal training in art but has always been fascinated by the colors and patterns of nature, the interplay of light and shadow, and the rhythms of lines and curves. Now retired, Maggie would like to share her love of watercolors with others.

Material List
#2 pencil and eraser
large water container that holds 2 -3 cups of water
paper towels
blue painters tape – 3/4″ or 1″ wide
