The Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

The Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival
Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 12:00pm

Schedule of Events

12pm: (Marshfield First Baptist Church, 1001 S. White Oak): MHS Alumni Luncheon- The 14th annual luncheon for the alumni of Marshfield High School, featuring Lola Fern Day's FamOUS cashew chicken served by her family. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased by calling 417-689-2098.

12pm: (Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall, 1538 W. Washington): The 4th Annual Rosalynn Carter Luncheon - This luncheon further celebrates the Cherry Blossom Festival's sister festival relationship with the Peanut Festival in Plains. Rev. Tony Lowden (personal pastor to President Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter) will be interviewed by presidential historian Dr. Larry Cook. The fried chicken luncheon will reflect a Southern menu. Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased online at EventBrite - The 4th Annual Rosalynn Carter Luncheon or by calling 417-860-4996.

7 pm: (doors open at 6:30 pm)  (Marshfield Community Center, 110 Commercial Street): The 15th Annual State Dinner will feature a SURPRISE keynote speaker in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the Cherry Blossom Festival. Tickets are $65 per person and can be purchased online at EventBrite - Cherry Blossom State Dinner or by calling 417-860-4996. This is a pink tie event.

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