The preview gala to the Indiana Flower and Patio Show began in 1997. Featuring house favorites from Indy’s top restaurants, live entertainment, silent and live auctions, and more. Don’t miss this exciting preview, set among our fabulous Showcase Gardens, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds!
Schedule Of Events
11:00 - Joel Karsten, Straw Bale Gardenng 101: Discover Why this Amazing Method has Exploded in Popularity Worldwide
12:00 - Abby Perry - Abby's Garden Parities: Insights and tips on indoor succulents and the transformative power of gardening.
1:30 - Joel Karsten, Straw Bale Gardenng 101: Discover Why this Amazing Method has Exploded in Popularity Worldwide
3:00 - Todd Jameson, Balanced Harvest Farm: Beautiful Spring Porch Pots
4:30 - Joel Karsten, Straw Bale Gardenng 101: Discover Why this Amazing Method has Exploded in Popularity Worldwide
5:30 - Abby Perry - Abby's Garden Parities: Insights and tips on indoor succulents and the transformative power of gardening.