Tour the galleries to view extraordinary floral designs inspired by objects in the Museums, then explore the world of flowers through hands-on activities. Free with museum admission.
Color Hunt, 10 am-5 pm
Stop at the security desk in each building and choose a color card. See how many flowers you can find in our featured arrangements that match your color card! Return the color card to the guards when you leave. Various Galleries
Un-BEE-lievable, 11 am-3 pm
Learn about all things bees and honey. Quadrangle Green (Rain location: Tolman Hall, First Floor, Springfield Science Museum)
The Flower Lab, 10:30 am-4 pm
Spark!Lab, Second Floor, Springfield Science Museum
Link to Libraries, 11 am-3 pm
Stop in for literacy activities and a book giveaway thanks to our partners, Link to Libraries!
Mini Bouquets, 11 am-3 pm
Make a mini bouquet with flowers courtesy of Springfield Floral Supply Inc. Art Deco, First Floor, D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts
Still Life Sketches, 12-4 pm
Channel your inner Van Gogh and draw your best bundle of blooms! Art Discovery Center, Second Floor, GWV Smith Art Museum