Now In Its 35th Year, The Antiques And Garden Show Has Become A Treasured Tradition In Nashville’s Cultural Landscape. Featuring Over 150 World-Class Exhibitors Showcasing Timeless Antiques, Fine Art And Innovative Horticulture, The Show Offers An Unequalled Experience. Stroll Through Breathtaking Garden Displays, Mingle At Lively Cocktail Gatherings, And Get Inspired By Distinguished Speakers. With Over $11 Million Raised For Cheekwood And Econ Charities Since Its Inception, The Show Continues To Give Back To The Community. As The Late Founder Sigourney Cheek Once Said, "Success Is A Result Of Following Instinct, Of Turning A Problem Into An Opportunity." This Milestone Year Promises To Be One Of The Most Memorable Yet.
Schedule Of Events
Show Hours - 9am-6pm
Floral Lecture
Cultivating A Beautiful Life
Shane Connolly, Willow Crossley And Margot Shaw
11 A.M. - 12pm - Davidson Ballroom
Book Signing
Shane Connolly And Willow Crossley
12 - 1pm - Davidson Ballroom Library
Design Lecture
Cultivating Timeless Design
Veere Grenney, Rita Konig And Dara Caponigro
2 - 3pm - Davidson Ballroom
Book Signing
Veere Grenney, Rita Konig And Dara Caponigro
3 - 4pm - Davidson Ballroom Library
Music In The Gardens
3:30 - 5:30pm - Center Garden
Music: Melanie Penn